
Neurofeedback Case studies

Neurofeedback Case studies that illustrate how children have benefitted from Attention Evaluations and Attention Training. Inattention on Screening Evaluation: Susan, age 8 years Susan struggled with reading and mathematics. At the start of the school year she could...

Early detection is everything

Red flag for possible Learning Disabilities. Teachers should be the first to notice when something is not quite on par. However, when parents know what to look for, possible problems can be identified and dealt with sooner. Generally, early detection of ADD/ADHD is...

School Readiness – Should I panic?

As a Neurofeedback Practitioner, I am always stunned by the number of Grade 1 parents contacting us for help early in their child’s grade 1 year. So many of the parents tell us that the teachers identified that the child cannot concentrate. When asked, more often than...
Making Senses of Sensory Processing

Making Senses of Sensory Processing

Just like computers, we need some sort of input, which elicits an output. We use our senses (smell, taste, hearing, touch and sight) to gain information (input) from the environment, our brains process the information - mostly in our prefrontal cortex – and then...

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Neurofeedback: The competitive advantage

Neurofeedback: The competitive advantage

In the current economic climate, organisations expect employees to produce more with fewer resources. Employees are under pressure to deliver high-quality work and be more productive. The result is stress-related problems that manifest in the workplace in the form of...

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